Why should I trust SLG with my company’s most sensitive cases?

The lawyers here at Shlansky Law Group understand the delicate nature of business cases and will use our five decades of collective legal experience to help you come out on top. We value our one-on-one relationships with all our clients and will use our decades of business litigation to your advantage. Our team of lawyers can help guide you through the ugliest of disputes.


What range of disputes do you cover?

We are proud to cover all types of business disputes, from business torts to healthcare litigation. Our years of experience have prepared us for anything our clients and their aggressors can throw at us. If you think you have a case or need legal litigation, contact us for a consultation.


Do you only defend employers in business disputes?

Our clients include high-level executives and employing business. We work to negotiate while maintaining respect on both sides in employment cases involving severance packages, stock options, and compensation packages. A successful case for us involves no bad blood and you walking away with everything you deserve.


If you want to maintain a good relationship between your client and their competitor, how can you win?

While maintaining a good relationship is a goal of ours, it isn’t our priority. Some disputes don’t lend themselves to mutually beneficial negotiations, which is why we’re ready to bring the fight. By representing you, we are backing you fully. Most negotiations aren’t a zero-sum game, but we’re ready to win the ones that are. 


Can you help if my company is facing government restrictions?

Shlanksy Law Group has over 15 years of experience in governmental regulatory matters. We can help you in obtaining and negotiating government contracts, building compliance policies for your company, assisting in internal investigations, and more. We have a deep knowledge of government policies and procedures and will help you navigate whatever restrictions you are up against.


Is it too late to seek counsel if my trade secrets have already been leaked?

It’s never too late to seek counsel with our lawyers. Rapid response is key when dealing with leaked trade secrets, as they can weaken your business and strengthen your competitors. We can help you recover your secrets and seek damages for what the leaker took from you. If you are worried about your secrets being stolen, contact us for a consultation and we can help you secure your business and its secrets from the most tenacious thieves.